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Collar Stays forCustom Tailored Shirts
Collar Stays forCustom Tailored Shirts

Fabric samples and marketing

Collar Stays forCustom Tailored Shirts Maßhemd
Set of collar stays to stabilize the collars
The set contains 8 collar stays with a length of 6.35 cm. In addition, you get 2 short collar stays with a length of 5.715 cm, which are perfect for the Kent Modern collar.

The collar stays are very light and flexible and due to their transparent color they remain inconspicuous when worn. As a stabilizer for the collar, you can easily slide the collar stays into the designated compartment on the underside of the shirt collar.
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Produce mask in children size (for approx. 6-10 years old children)
Color: Maßhemd
In stock: mehr als 100 Pieces
Minimum purchase: 1 Pieces

Note: Please pay for the item in the shopping cart after 60 minutes at the latest. Items that are in the shopping cart for more than 60 minutes are automatically deleted from the shopping cart
€ 0,84 zzgl. MwSt.

Products that are made in our production in Thailand especially for you, unfortunately, cannot be sent within the shirt delivery.

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